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Shining a Light on Domestic Violence Prevention Month

October is Domestic Violence Prevention Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness and educating regarding abuse, supporting survivors, and advocating for an end to one of society's most pervasive and harmful issues: domestic violence. This month provides an opportunity to reflect on the importance of prevention, support systems, and the collective effort needed to break the cycle of abuse.

Domestic violence knows no boundaries, affecting people of all ages, genders, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Domestic violence is a pattern of abusive behavior used to gain power and control over a current or former partner. It can manifest in various forms, including physical, emotional, psychological, financial, and sexual abuse. Last year, we highlighted the various forms of abuse here:

The Importance of Awareness

Awareness is the first step in combating domestic violence. Domestic Violence Prevention Month serves as a platform to educate individuals and communities about the prevalence and impact of domestic violence. It dispels myths, encourages open conversations, and empowers bystanders to take action when they suspect abuse.

One way to raise awareness is to educate on what domestic violence looks like compared to what a health relationship entails. Healthy relationships are built on respect, equality, and communication. These characteristics are key to cultivating a healthy relationship and ensuring both partners are treated with dignity. Love should never involve manipulation, coercion, or violence.

Why it is so Hard to Leave

One common question survivors receive is "why didn't you leave?" or "why did you go back to them?" The answers to these questions are never simple. But here are common reasons it may be so difficult for a survivor to leave:

  1. Fear and Threats: One of the primary reasons survivors hesitate to leave is the fear of retaliation. Abusers may threaten physical harm, expose private information, or target loved ones, creating a paralyzing environment that deters escape.

  2. Financial Dependence: Many survivors are financially dependent on their abusers, which makes leaving economically challenging. They often lack the resources to support themselves and their children without the abuser's income.

  3. Isolation: Abusers frequently isolate their victims from friends and family, leaving survivors with limited social connections and emotional support. This isolation intensifies feelings of loneliness and hopelessness.

  4. Emotional Manipulation: Abusers use manipulation and emotional abuse to create dependency and control. Survivors may still love their abusers despite the abuse, and this emotional entanglement makes leaving a complicated process.

  5. Belief in Change: Some survivors hold onto the hope that their abuser will change. This belief can be reinforced by apologies, moments of kindness, or the abuser seeking therapy, causing survivors to stay in the relationship in the expectation of better days.

  6. Shame and Self-Blame: Victims of abuse often internalize the blame, feeling responsible for the abuse. Shame can be a significant barrier to seeking help, as survivors may believe they deserve the mistreatment.

  7. Lack of Support Services: In some cases, survivors may not be aware of available resources, shelters, or support services. Even if they are aware, the absence of nearby facilities or a lack of transportation can make accessing help challenging.

There may be more reasons for a survivor. It is often complicated for them and they may not understand it themselves. Never be judgemental. Always show up with love and encouragement for the survivor.

Supporting Survivors

Support for survivors is a cornerstone of domestic violence prevention. Survivors often face isolation, fear, and shame, making it challenging to seek help. During this month, we emphasize the importance of offering unconditional support and resources to survivors. Whether it's a friend, family member, or neighbor, a supportive presence can make a significant difference in a survivor's life.

Communities play a vital role in preventing domestic violence and supporting survivors. Awareness campaigns this month serve to engage the community, provide resources, and foster a culture of zero tolerance for domestic violence. You can be a part of ensuring that your community is friendly towards survivors and help cultivate a culture of tolerance by supporting or sharing an organization's awareness campaign.

Legislation and Policy Advocacy

Advocacy for legislative changes is another essential aspect of domestic violence prevention. We all must encourage and advocate for policies that protect survivors, enhance access to services, and hold abusers accountable. Stronger legislation can serve as a deterrent and provide survivors with the legal protection they need. We Will encourages you to stay diligent in learning about and advocating for steps your state and local government are taking to prevent domestic abuse, support survivors, and hold perpetrators accountable.


Domestic Violence Prevention Month is a reminder that we all have a role to play in ending domestic violence. It calls on individuals, communities, and policymakers to work together to prevent abuse, support survivors, and create a safer society for all. By raising awareness, promoting healthy relationships, and advocating for change, we will take meaningful steps toward a future free from domestic violence.

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